2D Artist |UI/UX | 2D Animator | Marketing
Status : Released
Under: Mass DiGI
Group Size : 6
Genre : Mobile Endless Runner
Tools : Unity / Paint Tool Sai / Photoshop / Paint.NET
Timeline : 2019
Save The Flame is a 2D Endless Runner developed for Android and IOS for a late 2019 release. Created and developed over Mass DiGI's Summer Innovation Program with a team of 5 other interns, and continuing into the semester in Becker Live Studio.
Over the course of three months we went through Pre-Production and then through the course of Production. Within our Pre-Production stage we developed a bunch of concepts for what the style of the game was suppose to look like, and making three white box game to choose to go forward with. Once one was approved we moved forward with final conception and into development.
In production I worked on environments, UI, animation, story boarding and marketing. Doing an variety of tasks within the team.
Over this time frame I also helped with other MassDiGI 2019 titles including, Bloom Blast,Roller Riot and Merge Critters Unite!.
During Pre-Production, before we knew what the game was, we began making moodboards, and drawing illustrations and developing a general style that could be done across all genres of an endless runner.